“Ambient-pressure bulk superconductivity deep in the magnetic state of CeRhIn5”
- Authors
Johnpierre Paglione, P.-C. Ho, M. B. Maple, M. A. Tanatar, Louis Taillefer, Y. Lee, and C. Petrovic
- Journal
Physical Review B
Vol.77, No.10, pp.100505(R), 2008.03 - DOI
Specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, and electrical transport measurements were performed at ambient pressure on high quality single-crystal specimens of CeRhIn5 down to ultralow temperatures. We report signatures of an anomaly observed in all measured quantities consistent with a bulk thermodynamic phase transition to a superconducting state at Tc=110mK. Occurring far below the onset of antiferromagnetism at TN=3.8K, this transition appears to involve a significant portion of the available low-temperature density of electronic states, exhibiting an entropy change in line with that found in other members of the 115 family of superconductors tuned away from quantum criticality.