“Pressure- and Heat-Induced Insertion of CO2 into an Auxetic Small-Pore Zeolite”
- Authors
Y. Lee*, D. Liu, D. Seoung, Z. Liu, C.-C. Kao, T. Vogt
- Journal
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Vol.133, No.6, pp.1674-1677, 2011.02 - DOI
When the small-pore zeolite natrolite is compressed at ca. 1.5 GPa and heated to ca. 110 °C in the presence of CO2, the unit cell volume of natrolite expands by 6.8% and ca. 12 wt % of CO2 is contained in the expanded elliptical channels. This CO2 insertion into natrolite is found to be reversible upon pressure release.