“물을 압력 매개체로 이용한 녹주석의 체적탄성률 연구”
- Authors
G.C. Hwang, H. Kim, Y. Lee*
- Journal
Journal of the Korean Mineralogical Society (한국광물학회지)
Vol.30, No.3, pp.83-91, 2017.09 - DOI
In-situ high-pressure and ex-situ high temperature-pressure experiments of natural beryl (Be3Al2Si6O18, P6/mcc) from two different localities (beryl-A and beryl-B) were studied using pure water as pressure transmitting medium. Compared to the previous study using a mixture of methanol:ethanol medium in 4 : 1 by volume, pressure- and temperature-induced chemical and structural changes under water medium are expected to be different. The derived bulk moduli are 111(7) GPa, K0’ = 73(7); 110(9) GPa, K0’ = 65(8) for beryl-A and beryl-B, respectively. We observe densifications in volume compression, which appear to be attributed to the phase transitions of water to ICE VI and ICE VII around 1.0 GPa and 2.5 GPa, respectively